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John Wu  | 


Local artist John Wu has been a fan of “PEANUTS comics”, while Cult movies and Britpop have heavily influenced his upbringing. Several years ago, he started his own project with the re-creation of the characters of "PEANUTS comics", including music legend John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Kurt Cobain, director Woody Allen, or movie characters like “Joker” and “V for Vendetta” etc., appeared in the form of "Peanuts" characters. The works are intertextuality connected with the audiences, with icons we all shared under the same generation. His works are crafted in a hand-sewing technique to create die-cut wood boards and he hand-painted them with acrylic. You will find him using bright and bold colours throughout his artworks. Works have shown high precision due to his graphic design background that they are almost like computer-aided design graphics, while look closer and you will find the detail brushstrokes on the art pieces. In 2021, John held a solo exhibition, "A NEW NEW Peanuts Era", in foreforehead, a multicultural space, with a series of derivative works on die-cut wood board paintings. In Jan 2022, he has his second solo exhibition, "Go on Peanuts", at the Peak Galleria Go Arty. Art Current Gallery is carrying his newly created series "Frame 01-09", which he got inspiration from the movie "V for Vendetta", to show respect to unnamed heroes. He created a virtual rotating vision in digital and physical forms, reminding the audience to keep their faith and pursue the truth amid chaos.


John Wu自幼受《花生漫畫》、Cult片、Britpop音樂薰陶成長,幾年前起將幾者共冶一爐,以《花生漫畫》角色作二創,     將著名音樂人 John Lennon & Yoko Ono、Kurt Cobain;導演 Woody Allen、電影角色 Joker、V煞等,以《花生漫畫》內的細路形態出現。 平面設計出身的John,作品色塊鮮明、鈎勒細緻,驟眼看來像以電腦繪圖,但其實《花生》系列所有作品,都由John用手鋸逐個die-cut(多邊形裁切),再以塑膠彩(Acrylic)繪畫,近距離細看可見筆觸。 John於2021年在本地藝術空間foreforehead舉辦了首個個人作品展《食花生世代》;今年年初再於山頂Peak Galleria Go Arty舉辦第二個個展《繼續花生!展》。 這次於Affordable Art Fair展出系列式《Frame 01-09》實體及NFT作品,由John為面具下的無名英雄立像,作為憑弔;他以不同角度、不同面向的平面畫作,製作成定格動畫(Stop Motion Animation),讓觀者彷彿以來自360°的視點,察看「雕像」的全貌。而事實上,在這個個體被禁聲、媒體遭審查的時代,我們確實需要更強烈的求真慾望,將碎片化的資訊拼湊組合,尋求歷史的全貌。

本地平面設計師、插畫師、part-time紋身師,為香港多份報章、雜誌作插畫及設計工作,閒時落手木工製作。於2014 年起以《花生》角色作二創,曾推出不同產品,包括與香港知名鞋履品牌HOAX及英國著名Chunk Clothing合作推出花生人物tee,早前他舉辦了首個個人畫展《食花生世代》,展出一系列die-cut木版畫作。


Selected Exhibitions  |  重要展覽

2014-2016    與香港知名鞋履品牌HOAX及英國著名Chunk Clothing合作推出花生人Tee。

2017              與本地品牌Make T-shirt Together聯乘創作多款花生人物Tee。

2021              於本地藝術空間foreforehead舉辦首個個人作品展《食花生世代》。

2022              於山頂Peak Galleria Go Arty舉辦了第二個個人作品展《繼續花生!展》。


© 2021 by Art Current Gallery.

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10/F, Cheung Hing Industrial Building,

12P Smithfield Road, Kennedy Town Hong Kong

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